Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko (Video 1985) - IMDb
Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko (Video 1985) - IMDb,Amazon.com: Leda-Fantastic Adventure of Yo : Belmondo, Jean-Paul, Dacqmine, Jacques, David, Mario, Dino, André, Jocelyn, André, Lafont, Bernadette, Lualdi, Antonella, Pélissier, Raymond, Robinson, Madeleine, Szabó, László, Valérie, Jeanne: Movies & TV,OST / GENMU SENKI LEDA II JAPAN ISSUE LP W/ OBI, INSERT, POSTER,幻夢戦記レダ ストーリーアルバム : Toho : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive,Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko (1985),